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One of the questions I’m asked most often is what types of tools and resources I like to use as a writer. Today I thought I would share a list of all of my favorite writing apps, tools, and resources for things I use while writing!

writers tools and resources

My Favorite Tools for Writing

Writing Software

Scrivener: There is a bit of a learning curve to this software, but once you get it down you really truly WILL learn to love it!  or you can get .

Want to Learn Scrivener Fast? Then you definitely need THIS program to help you get on the fast track to success! This is a great way to learn all the ways you can use Scrivener to become a way more productive writer!  is hands down the easiest way to get started!

Scapple: Made by the same great team as Scrivener, Scapple is a fun and easy mind mapping software. If you enjoy mind mapping your books like I do, this software makes it super easy to do so AND export it into outline format!

Productivity & Organization

When it comes to staying organized and being productive as a writer, these tools are my favorite hands-down!

Workflowy: I would be at a total loss in the world without Workflowy! This app is for ANYONE who loves to make lists. Use it to outline your novel, organize ideas or even jot down short bits of inspiration on the go.

Best of all? You can sync the app with your smart phone, online version, and desktop! Click Here to Join Workflowy and get 250 Free Lists to Start!

Evernote: Try as I might, I just can’t quit using Evernote for my writing! It’s a great way to keep track of notes, research information and more! See my post on using Evernote for novel planning here.

Design Resources for Book Formatting, Publishing, and Marketing

marketing tools for writers

There are a lot of great websites that make it easy to use templates for book design and more! Here are some of my favorite resources for design templates and royalty free graphics.

CreativeMarket: I love this website and there are so many affordable options! They have royalty free photos and graphic packs, print design templates, social media templates, and even website design templates to make building your website easy!

Additional Resources for Writers

Clickbank: Want to sell an online eBook or other digital product? Clickbank is a marketplace that makes it easy to not only set up a sales page, but also puts your product in front of thousands of affiliates who will promote your eBook for you!

Content Product Hacks: Amy Harrop has some wonderful resources for teaching writers how to organize information for publishing your own book easily. Get

Creating Your Author Website & Blog

author website design resources

I love building all of my websites with self-hosted WordPress.org software. There are so many great ways you can use WordPress to easily setup your own author website and blog.

Here are Some of My Favorite WordPress Resources

WP Engine Hosting: If the idea of setting up your own WordPress website seems daunting, WP Engine offers some great perks, such as automated backups and full management. Built specifically for WordPress, this is a great place to get hosting.

LiquidWeb Hosting: Liquid web is a premier web hosting company, and still to this date one of the best customer service experiences I have ever had with hosting. I love their hosting service, and if you are using WordPress, they even have Managed WP Hosting to make your life much easier!

StudioPress WordPress Themes: I LOVE the Genesis Framework for WordPress themes! Themes are what control the layout and design of your website. Using the Genesis Framework is a super easy way to quickly design a professional website with no coding skills required!

Resources for Making Your Writing Life More Comfortable & Fun

Sitting at a keyboard typing all day can be tough! Here are some great resources and my favorite products to help you stay comfortable and have fun while writing!

Get a Good Desk Chair: Seriously, the right chair will change your life forever as a writer! Some great ideas and inspiration for finding the right comfortable spot for you here.

Build a Writer’s Studio: Why sit in a dark and gloomy office all day when you can enjoy a beautiful writing studio? We love these writer’s studio sheds – and yes, you can have them ordered & delivered to your door!

I hope you find these resources and tools for writers useful – and of course I will be updating this list with other tools and apps that I love to use!

Have any tools or resources for writer’s you think I should check out? Let us know in the comments below!

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