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There are many sources of inspiration for writing poetry. It can be something as simple as an encounter during your day to day routine, or it can be a specific feeling or emotion.


If you are looking for some ways to be inspired to write beautiful poetry, here are some fantastic ideas to get you started!

Here are 6 Great Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing Poetry:

Start Writing Poems With a Photograph:

The saying of “A picture is worth 1000 words” always holds true for being inspired to write by looking at pictures. Pictures can do many things – they can invoke a certain feeling or mood. They can often tell a story.

Sometimes just a simple description can be considered poetic in of itself. Either pull out some of your own photos, or take some time to browse photo galleries such as Flickr and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll be wanting to write!

Use Your Own Personal Experiences as Poetry Inspiration

Your own experiences may not seem as if they would mean a lot, but they often can help inspire others through your own actions and situations.

Whether it’s about how you poured your morning coffee or the thrill you felt when riding a roller coaster, your experiences can inspire others.

Be Inspired By a Place

Any place can be a source of inspiration – be it your favorite relaxation zone of peaceful nature or the busy sidewalks of a large metropolitan city.

Capturing the sights and the sounds of a place can also be another great source of inspiration. Using onomatopoeia words can help you describe the setting and what might be happening. For example: trucks rumbling down the highway, frogs croaking, the honk of a taxi cab driver, etc.

Read Poetry to Be Inspired

You might be familiar with the saying, in order to write, you must also read! This is true for poetry!

Sometimes seeing other words can make you gather your own thoughts and begin forming new related ideas with your own words. Whether you read a book, a magazine, a blog, the newspaper, or even a road sign, there’s plenty of things that can help you feel inspired to write something.

Many popular songs, books, movies, and more have come from the development of an idea by reading the works of another. This of course does not mean to copy – but sometimes just reading a poem is all you need to awaken your own muse!

Find an Object Near You

There are objects all around us. Chances are you are sitting or standing on one right now as you are reading this article! Choose any object, or several objects, and write about them. You can be descriptive, or you can be elusive – it’s all up to you.

Free Write Poem Writing Exercise

Free writing is still one of my favorite ways to be inspired to write poetry! Get a timer, and make yourself write without stopping for 5 minutes. Use one of the sources of inspiration we listed above.

You might not produce anything significant or groundbreaking, but you’ll be surprised at how this very simple exercise can inspire you to create more and give you many different ideas for things to write poems about!

Need Even More Inspiration? Try Creative Writing Prompts!

We have many unique writing prompts on our website – and yes, an entire post dedicated to poetry with 101 ideas for writing poems! You are sure to find many resources for writing here on our website ThinkWritten!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to finding sources of inspiration to write poetry. Several of the above prompts and ideas are not just for writing exercises, but can be used in many different aspects of your life.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Where do you find the most inspiration for writing poems? Do you have any favorite techniques to inspire your creativity when you are in funk as a writer? We’d love to hear where you draw your inspiration from in the comments section below!

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  1. You are very correct when you said the places u find yourself can b a source of inspiration for writing poems.it has happened to me on several occasions.Anyway sometimes I could be gazing at pictures and at the same time get something to write

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