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Email marketing is one of the best ways for authors to communicate with their readers. But what do you write to keep the newsletter fresh and engaging? This list of 20 email marketing ideas for authors will inspire you on what to send in your author’s newsletter!
Content is key in making your newsletter one that people want to read. Here are some ideas for fresh content you can send out:
1. Book Signing and Event Dates
The easiest thing you can send to your readers is a reminder of all of your current book signings and events you are attending.
For example, you might be presenting at a local event on your topic, or you might be scheduled for a Meet The Author’s event at your local library. All of these are good things to let your readers know about!
2. Sales, Discounts and Special Promotions
There are many great ways you as an author can offer sales, discounts, and special promotions to your readers. For example, you could offer a limited edition signed copy of your book for 10% off, or you could offer a free bonus item if they purchase by a specific date.
While you don’t want to run these all the time, it’s a great idea to run sales or special promotions during the holidays or a certain season.
3. Book Reviews
Has someone reviewed your books? Then, share those reviews with your readers!
Another idea is to share your own reviews of books you have read recently. Readers love to get inside the heads of their favorite authors, and what’s a better way to connect than over a book you enjoyed?
4. New Release Announcements
This is probably the #1 reason many people signed up for your newsletter, to begin with: They want to know when you have a new book available for them to read!
Be sure to send them announcements when you release a book, and be ready for pre-orders!
5. Free Sample Chapter
One of the easiest ways to hook in your readers is to give them a free sample chapter of one of your books. This will get them to start reading and hopefully not want to stop!
6. Subscriber Only Bonus Materials
Another great thing to send your newsletter subscribers are exclusive subscriber bonus materials they can download.
This could be in the form of a prequel if you write fiction, or if you write non-fiction, it could be a digital companion guide or printable worksheet that goes along with your books.
7. News or Events Related to Your Subject
There is always a lot of news happening in the world, and chances are there is relevant news you can find and share with your readers.
The easiest way to find news stories to share with your readers is to search for your main topic on Google and click on the “News” tab. This will give you all sorts of ideas for interesting news stories your readers will find engaging.
8. Author Interviews
Have you been interviewed recently? Share that with your readers!
Another email marketing idea you can do as an author is to host your own interviews on your blog or YouTube channel. Let your readers know who you’ve interviewed and why.
9. Round-ups of Articles You Published
Another easy thing you can send to your readers is a list of some of your related articles on your blog.
You could do this by sending a monthly recap of what you published, or you could make a round-up of posts that cover a specific category or area of interest.
10. Fun Facts About Your Writing Process
Give your readers a view of what’s happening behind the scenes by sharing different aspects of your writing process. For example, you can give them a tour of your office or studio or share with your readers where you find inspiration for book ideas.
11. Supplemental Information About Your Characters or Subject
If you are a fiction writer, you can share special things about your characters that they may not have known. If you publish non-fiction books, you can give them additional information on a subject they might be interested in.
12. A quote or discussion point about your book
Quotes are fun to share, and you can easily brighten your readers’ day by sharing a quote or inspiring discussion point about your book.
If you don’t have a quote directly from your book, you could also find quotes from other people to share.
13. Your Writing Influences
What inspires you as a writer? What authors do you admire? Telling your newsletter subscribers about your writing influences can help them discover something new to read.
14. Reader Surveys
The best way to learn more about your audience is to send them a survey. For example, ask them about their favorite books or what types of things they most want to know about a subject.
The important thing to remember with reader surveys is not to make the questionnaire too long. Nobody wants to spend hours filling out questions! Try to limit it to 5 questions at most and give them easy option boxes they can check.
15. Blog Posts from Websites You Admire
In addition to sending round-ups of your own blog posts, you can always share other people’s blog posts with your readers.
Try to find a blog post you enjoyed reading or one that is most relevant to the subject of your books. Make sure you explain why you enjoyed the piece and how it relates to you as an author.
16. Lessons you’ve Learned
Everybody goes through life learning something new, and chances are you’ve learned quite a few important lessons throughout your journey as a writer.
Share with them something you’ve learned that shaped your perspective or gave you inspiration for the theme of one of your stories.
17. Anniversary Dates
We can enjoy all kinds of anniversary dates as authors, from the day we first began writing our book to the day it was published.
Ask your readers to help you celebrate a “Book Birthday” or other special event with you on an anniversary date.
18. Holidays/Seasonal Greetings
We’re all aware of the main holidays each year, but there are also many bizarre holidays out there! For example, did you know August 26th is national dog day?
Whether it’s the first day of spring or a lesser-known national holiday like Wear Brown Shoes Day, there’s always something to celebrate.
19. Research and Resources
Chances are before you wrote your book, you had to do a lot of research. For example, if you wrote a historical romance story, you might want to share with your readers where you learned about the setting and customs of that era.
20. Thank Your Readers
Last but certainly not least, be sure to send your readers a token of appreciation and express your gratitude for reading your work and supporting you as an author.
You wouldn’t sell any books if you didn’t have loyal email newsletter subscribers, so be sure to let them know how much they mean to you.
There are many things your readers and subscribers will value getting in their inbox each week. Keep it fresh and interesting, and you’ll have many happy, loyal readers who look forward to opening their email each week!
Do you have any ideas for content to include in your email newsletter? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Great ideas, I’m thinking of starting an author newsletter and this has given me a lot to work with.
Thanks for the advice! Very useful.
jffhjdjjrrf www.yandex.ru
Great list!